Sunday, 24 February 2013

This week in the music room

Hi everyone! The last week of February is here already. This week we have a special assembly on Wednesday for Anti-Bullying Day. Don't forget to wear your pink shirt!

Here's what will be happening in the music room this week:

-review new game "Seven Steps" - this is a fun song that incorporates a circle dance in which students have the opportunity to be the leader and create a dance move that we all copy. Also develops singing voice and singing in tune
-last week students learned "la", and how it relates to the two solfege tones we already know, "so" and "mi". This week we build on this with a new song, "Doggie, Doggie". Includes a fun circle game with opportunities for solo singing
-discuss and identify pitches and rhythms in "Doggie, Doggie"
-begin learning Bumblebee songs

Gr. 2/3
-review "Seven Steps" - game described above
-Continue learning "Country Swing" - identify phrases in the song that are the same; isolate a repeating phrase and learn. Build on this phrase and learn whole song. Country Swing is proving to be a bit tricky with that low D note that is required! But I know the students can do a wonderful job!
-new songs and singing game - Bumblebee Songs
-new singing game - "Grizzly Bear" (focusing on dynamics)

Gr. 4/5
-we STILL haven't had a class opportunity to learn "Happiness Blues"! This week we are going to learn how to pick the song and sing the lyrics
-continue learning "Country Roads"
-new game - "Seven Steps", or "Icka Backa"

Gr. 4/5/6 and 5/6
-Listening lesson - Compare and contrast two versions of the same song, "Hound Dog". One version by Elvis Presley, one version by Big Mama Thornton. Use music vocabulary (electric, acoustic, tempo, harmony, beat, rhythm, syncopation) to discuss similarities and differences, and discover the connection that the Blues music genre has made to other genres of music.
-new game - "Icka Backa"

Here's to a great and musical week! Let's have lots of fun while we sing, dance, and play instruments!

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